Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This is the (Ukrainian) Life!

Hi everyone!! I'm back in the internet cafe/dungeon. I can't possibly type fast enough to share all of the info that I would like to. First of all, I love and miss all of you very much. Honestly, I have a whole new perspective after only 1 month about how important all of you are to me. I can't wait to reunite, but I also know that you are the people that got me to this point. So... what is this point. I have been studying Ukrainian for about a month now and I'm definitely making progress. I'm nowhere near where I will need to be when I live on my own, but I can get by with a combo of English, Ukrainian, Russian, and good ol' sign language (mostly sign language at this point). I can successfully ride the train, hail a taxi, and ride a marshutka (like a bus/group taxi thing). I know where to go to get food, internet, and all the basic necessities, and I've taught three lessons in the local school (one to seventh graders and the others to eighth). I'll be teaching the 8th graders again tomorrow. There are very few resources available for Ukrainian teachers. No copy machine, really substandard books, even the most basic supplies like paper are bought out of the teacher's pocket. A lot of this goes on in the States, but definitely not to this extent. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of English that some of the students have achieved. They can communicate pretty well, but I definitely feel for the ones that struggle (I'm currently walking about 1000 miles in their shoes). As for fun there has been a good amount. My host sister is a 26 year old English teacher and we get along very well. We have gone to the disco (lazer lights and techno galore... Titzie I see why you gave Eastern Europe such high marks), had a picnic in the woods where we roasted chicken, ate so much food (a lot of fish, wow do they love fish of all varieties here...salted, dried, the list goes on and on) and drank choot-choot (a little) Vodka, and gone mushroom hunting in the woods. Outings here almost always include a huge spread of food and drink, lots of toasts, and debauchery. They love the outdoors, and I'm definitely glad to be getting outside as much as possible before the winter kicks into full swing. Yesterday was my host papa's birthday. We had a big dinner together and watched some tv as a family. He has made my adjustment here a lot easier so I was really glad to be able to celebrate with him. He always helps me with my Ukrainian homework and speaks very slowly so that I'll understand him. We also watch a lot of Ukrainian tv together. Yesterday we were watching a ninja movie from japan dubbed into Russian with Ukrainian subtitles. My head almost exploded. Well that's about all for now. Oooh for those of you that wanted my address my mom and dad have it, I'll be sending out a facebook message soon also. I don't know if I'm allowed to get packages yet, and keep in mind that my mail will be opened before it gets to me so for those of you thinking of sending diamonds I would wait and give them to me in person. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. ugh, i don't know how i somehow overlooked this post, but it still made me snicker. this time i am pretending that this choot-choot vodkar is just drinking vodka out of a train shaped sippo cup
