Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Three Days Into Two Years-It's Official

I'm a terrible blogger. It's been a good long while since I last posted so if you're still reading this thanks for your patients. I am officially a Peace Corps Volunteer (not to be confused with a PC Trainee). I took part in a rather fancy-shmancy ceremony with the US Ambassador and a few members of the Ukrainian government. I raised my right hand and everything. Not I'm at my permanant site where I will live and work for two years. The second night I was here there was a rather adorable parade of Santas (Papa Moroz for those in the know), a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony, and a smll concert. It was a great start to my time here. Other than that I live with one woman in a very nice house with a very cute kitten. I have many more stories to tell, but they'll have to wait for another day. In good news I shoould be getting internet soon (soon being a relative term here) so I'll be in better contact with everyone!
I love you all. Happy Holidays!