Sunday, October 31, 2010

A year over and over a year to go...

This was written by my friend Emily (the blonde in the middle of the group shot of the people I trained with), but I couldn't agree with the sentiment more. I have officially been in Ukraine for over a year. In some ways it feels like the time has crawled, in others like it has gone by in a wink. Thank you to everyone back home and in Ukraine who has supported me through this. I couldn't do it without you!

One year of being away from home, one year without a washing machine, one year without a dishwasher, one year in a world where things move a little slower and everything is planned one day in advance, one year of being a complete fashion disaster, one year leaning a new language and new traditions, one year of learning my limits and just how far they can be stretched, one year of self exploration, one year of being thankful for what I have, one year in a land so far away, one year of dirty trains, B.O. and littering, one year of being totally out of shape, one year of receiving the most flowers I have ever received in my life, one year without driving a car, one year without a cell phone that has unlimited minutes, one year without Mexican food, one year without chocolate chips, one year of squatting over the toilette, one year of new bizarre foods, one year of being misunderstood, one year of being famous, one year of extreme weather, one year with a different economic condition, one year of high high’s and low low’s, one year with new friends and family, one year of extreme patience and flexibility, one year of trials and errors, one year of victories and defeats, one year of gains and losses, one year of laughs, one year of tears, one year of new life lessons, one year of sharing, one year of love, one year of vodka, one year for the books, one year to be proud of, one year to be thankful for and ONE YEAR I WILL NEVER FORGET!